1. DAF Accessories
  2. Efficiency

Otimize o seu camião

Otimize a aerodinâmica e reduza os custos operacionais ou torne o seu DAF ideal para a sua empresa com uma vasta gama de soluções hidráulicas. Melhore a aerodinâmica com os spoilers de tejadilho DAF ou as abas laterais DAF para obter um fluxo de ar adequado entre o camião e o reboque. O design original da DAF adapta-se aos contornos da cabina e ao aspeto único dos camiões DAF da nova geração.

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Solar Panels

Idling the engine to save battery power burns diesel and emits CO2. Solar power is the clean and cheap alternative. DAF has partnered with Dometic to bring you Go Power! Solar modules that plug your vehicle into renewable solar power. Think of it as a sustainable investment that boosts your business and protects the climate. With our solar panels on your truck’s roof you can use free sun power instead of costly fuel, cut CO2 emissions, extend battery life with solar top-ups, and charge while driving or parked; no idling.


Door Wind Deflector

  • Less noise and more comfort by ideally directing the wind flow
  • Strong and scratch-resistant yet lightweight
  • Easy to fit with strong mounting tape
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